Archive for the Category »learning english «

I realize that my english is really bad..

My work needed english very much, even my english wasn’t good enough but all staff at my office (except  my boss) thought that I am the greatest people who can speaking english. hahhaha…

Ok, now I have to improve my english, my sentences, my grammar, etc..  how ??

I think this is check list that I have to do :

1. speaking english with my friends (chatting and email)

2. find an english teacher that has alot of time to review my sentences or my posting

3. searchin g online english cource (for free of course).. hehehehe

4. read a lot of english reading (improve my vocabulary)

5. always open at my tab browser 🙂

6. join an english course (but I don’t have time fot this)

this day I ask my old friend to be my english teacher, but no answered yet..

And.. I am trying to making post with my english.. what do you thing ? any other suggestion ? please.. tell me.. 🙂